Microsoft to support Linux hosting in Virtual Server
Jan Claeys
lists at
Fri Apr 7 15:57:22 BST 2006
Op vr, 07-04-2006 te 10:32 -0400, schreef Harold:
> Jan Claeys wrote:
> > By the same sort of logic: most of the PCs bought _with_ a MS Windows
> > license run pirated copies of MS Windows, MS Office, etc. too, so
> > selling PCs with Windows pre-installed should be forbidden because it
> > causes piracy? ;-)
> Licenses to install makes it legal.
The license only allows installing the exact version & software that
came with it, but I don't know many Windows users that don't do "free
upgrades" with someone else's newer Windows CD. Also, the OEM Windows +
Works license that comes with a PC doesn't allow you to run any Windows
software you want, of course...
Now, with Ubuntu you get:
- a complete, free OS
- a full set of free applications
- free upgrades for both OS & applications
So it's clear that Microsoft should promote Ubuntu when they want to
minimise piracy. ;-)
Jan Claeys
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