Lawyers, here! [Was: binary graphics drivers]

Matthew East mdke at
Thu Apr 6 13:31:00 BST 2006

> Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > <quote who="Sasha Tsykin">
> > 
> >> and that means making sure that the end user doesn't have to sue the
> >> command line for ANYTHING
> > 
> > ... and those lawyers get their dirty little fingers on everything!

On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 22:29 +1000, Sasha Tsykin wrote:
> I would rather doubt there is a legal difference between using the gui 
> and the command line. On the other hand, there is a huge usability 
> difference. We can't use legal issues as an excuse for everything

Jeff was just making a joke about your typo: use/sue

mdke at
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