Ubuntu in the other news?

Mark Shuttleworth mark at canonical.com
Thu Sep 15 08:08:29 CDT 2005

Michael Shigorin wrote:

>Jeff, just for the record -- I've recently seen quite
>embarrassing comments regarding Ubuntu 5.04 quality and usability
>from one seasoned Python hacker I know by mail
It would be good to get that feedback on record in the bug tracker so we
can figure out if it's bugs, poor documentation or just a misunderstanding.

>I understand that there are bugtrackers for bugs and other weird
>stuff and maybe it's kind of "feed balance" here that might be
>completely different from what's in developer's lists and BTS
>but still caught me thinking "are they narcissing or what then?"...

>FWIW, maybe some kind of a less formalized "complaint tracker"
>would help, with lower barrier for those who have stumbled upon
Funny you should ask ;-)

In Launchpad we now have a support request tracker. Every (almost, GUI,
mostly) app in Breezy has a menu item "Get Help Online...", which takes
you to a simple page that should eventually, list sources of support
available for that app, both upstream and in the distro. And that page
also leads you to the support tracker, where you can file a support request.

I hope this will be a formalised place for informal, community based
support, supplementing the mailing list and the forums. The good thing
is that we can easily convert a support request into a bug, if it really
is a bug. And we can keep track of the number of support requests that
are associated with a given bug, to help us gauge severity.

>PS: also would be nice if someone'd comment upon Tom Lord's
Best to let sleeping dogs lie, I think.


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