Windows Vista hardware requirements

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue Sep 13 11:18:08 CDT 2005


Eric Feliksik [2005-09-13 17:32 +0200]:
> My point is: the stuff I read about the xorg-features are *way* cool, 
> but software acceleration often isn't enough. Can the features actually 
> be used freely? With what hardware? How is the state of free drivers for 
> OpenGL hardware in Linux-land at the moment? I know nvidia ships binary 
> drivers to get the hardware acceleration to work, but Ubuntu does not, 
> with good reasons IMO.

Ubuntu does ship binary nvidia and ATI drivers, and they work
wonderfully. Install nvidia-glx, "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" and
there you go. (I don't know about ATI cards, though).

Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Developer
Debian Developer
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