Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Sat Oct 15 21:28:31 CDT 2005

I was at the 4th PLUG technical seminar ( yesterday and
our president, Marvin Pascual, fresh from meeting RMS in Cambodia gave
me an IOSN Live CD.

The IOSN (International Open Source Network) is an initiative by the
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) to increase awareness in
the use of FOSS in the Asia-Pacific region.

Lo and behold, the IOSN Live CD is a modified Hoary Live CD! Booting
up, you see the Ubuntu splash, but in GNOME, you'll see a blue
background and a lot of IOSN publications and training materials for
the adoption of FOSS in the region.

Jerome Gotangco
jgotangco at | jgotangco at
GPG: 0xA97B69A0

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