Online article: "Microsoft funds African PCs amid open source debate"

Michael Shigorin mike at
Mon Oct 10 05:48:12 CDT 2005

On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 04:27:36PM -0400, Eric Dunbar wrote:
> > PS: Eric, I don't intend to hurt your feelings but *please* go
> > and get your facts straight -- or don't forget to add common tags
> > like "IMHO" or "X-Ears: Red" to highly taste-dependent messages.
> I found it rather amusing to read your post

Ditto (guess you knew it ;)

> and, must admit that it is very tempting to reply
> point-for-point, but will limit myself to a brief response.

[45 fewer lines]

I don't remember labelling you a "windows fan", IIRC you were
more an Apple user; it doesn't matter.  The thing was that most
of the "facts" from that message were just what you found wrong 
in my reply -- propaganda for some 90+%.

Guess you also knew you didn't tell anything new [to me at least]
at all, it's no problem -- the most hot debates I've seen were
due to terms being understood differently by the sides.

If you'd like, we can try to re-read the subthread
(point-by-point) in that way, find the common terminology and
maybe finish at some reusable article on the matter.  Not sure 
if you have spare time though, mine's short too.

Fanatism leads to bad conseqences; seeking the truth -- to good.
Finding it is harder though.  And sharing must be even harder...

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike at>
  ------ Linux.Kiev

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