Online article: "Microsoft funds African PCs amid open source debate"

Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski emil.oppeln.bronikowski at
Wed Oct 5 09:18:39 CDT 2005

2005/10/5, Jeff Waugh <jeff.waugh at>:

> I don't think we own the moral or technical high ground on this issue at the
> moment.

But I can not cut features to the bone with Windows. Well, I bet you
can disable this and that, but it require a lot work, when compared to
Linux. I have P2/400 laptop who had XP, and now runs KDE (Slackware).
It has 256 Mb of memory. I get subjective feeling that they both run
about same speed. Also, KDE seems to be more advanced DE that what XP

Putting XP on old machine is also about getting licence for it. This
makes it kinda expensive. 10 pound computer running OS that cost few
times more? Seems like a waste.

 Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski,

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