Online article: "Microsoft funds African PCs amid open source debate"

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Wed Oct 5 09:06:18 CDT 2005

<quote who="Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski">

> We have a small advantage! Vista won't run well on old, obsolete HW.
> Africa and other poor regions won't just jump into possesion of mid-range
> HW. Linux runs just fine on old hardware. I know very well, 'cause I'm
> running it on such.

We have to be very careful (or work very diligently) if we're going to push
this line of reasoning. Windows XP runs fairly comfortably with 256MB RAM,
while FOSS desktops with comparable features and user experience generally
do not.

I don't think we own the moral or technical high ground on this issue at the

- Jeff

UbuntuBelowZero in Montreal!
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