MacWorld article: "Macs replace university's Linux desktops"

Rui Tiago Cação Matos tiagomatos at
Tue May 24 14:51:34 CDT 2005

From: Daniel Robitaille <robitaille at>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 11:55:00 -0700

> I wonder which Gnome was used in these tests to compare to OSX; maybe
> Gnome 2.8 from Sarge?

IMO, currently, it doesn't matter which version they tried. Gnome is
aproaching gome good level o "user friendliness" but it's not on OSX
level. Until we have apps like Network Manager or something to do simple
samba server configuration (these are the first that come to mind) I don't
think Gnome can be considered "user friendly" in a OSX way.

Then you have all the bells and whistles of an OpenGL accelerated desktop,
which is still a year away for GNU/Linux, and which seems to have also been
weighted by the administrators there.

One point they considered in favor of OSX actually isn't. They could have
installed Microsoft Office with Wine. Still not the better approach for my
taste (I would wait a bit longer for OOo 2 and remain on the free side) but
it would have worked.

Anyhow they are still keeping some PCs with Debian there, so there is still
hope they will see the developings on the Free Software side and come back
in a year or two ;-)

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