64-Bit Linux Is Already Here (eWeek)

Paul Sladen sounder at paul.sladen.org
Wed May 11 03:15:59 CDT 2005


  While 64-bit Windows is taking its first baby steps, 64-bit Linux has been
  running in the enterprise for years. [...]

  Heck, Linux has been running on 64 bits since the summer of 1994, when
  Linus Torvalds ported Linux to the Alpha chip. [...]

  You don't have to go with one of the two big Linuxes if you don't want
  to. Ubuntu Linux 5.04, for example, supports the AMD64 and POWER. [...]

Grooviness.  Itanium gets mentions (briefly) in there as does 64-bit Power.

It sometimes snows here.  London, GB

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