Use of Ubuntu amongst Nguni speakers

Phillip Pare ptpare at
Wed Jun 29 06:09:31 CDT 2005

I have not seen many South Africans posting to this list. I am curious
to know if there are any Nguni (isiZulu, isiXhosa, siSwati,
isiNdebele) speakers who have found Ubuntu Linux to be useful. I would 
have thought that some of the students at the schools which have 
received computer labs running Ubuntu, (courtesy Shuttleworth 
Foundation) would be interested in the discussions on this list. I heard 
that there were over 100 schools in the Western Cape, near Cape Town 
that had been equipped with computer laboratories.

Given the rivalry that sometimes exists amongst the speakers of  various
South African languages, I have been pleasantly surprised to see no
objections from Basotho, Bapedi or Batswana about the name "Ubuntu" as
opposed to the Sotho version which is "Botho".


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