Lost jobs due to open source

David Allouche david at allouche.net
Wed Aug 24 06:41:15 CDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 08:44 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="David Allouche">
> > The dinosaurs of this "industry", are rightfully afraid.
> And, interestingly enough, so are the gold rush youngsters, joining the
> industry purely for the monetary reward. The people who will adapt to a
> changing industry are the ones who have a love for what they do, not dollar
> signs in their eyes. :-)

I'm not at all concerned by money-driven types. Any strong drive helps
adapting to changing conditions. Besides, most of the money is not in
software-based businesses (save a few high profile stories), but in
consulting and sales jobs that exploit suckers at executive positions
and dysfunctions in corporate structures.

The ones I'm concerned with are the young individuals that primarily
seek stability and conformance. As computing has grown mainstream, it
has started attracting more and more of those boredom-addicted[0] types
looking for a "regular job".

  [0] http://www.reciprocality.org/Reciprocality/index.html

There's a famous french song that goes (approximate translation): "Age
does not make a difference / When you're dumb, you're dumb". Being a
dinosaur is not a matter of age, it's a matter of being unable to adapt
to changing conditions.

Sadly, we are living a society that rewards status-quo and conformance,
at the same time that it celebrate "progress" and creativity.

                                                            -- ddaa
I definitely did start to rant at a point!
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