(another) Sounder 8 install report

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Thu Sep 9 21:43:38 CDT 2004

On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 10:36:49AM +0800, John wrote:

> What about Dvorak users? I'm not one, but I have seen them complain 
> about this sort of thing before,

I am one, and I haven't complained.  I can type the three or four things I
need to type for the install equally well in qwerty or dvorak, and I know
how to set my keymap after installation (this can be done in GNOME without
using the keyboard, once you've logged in).

This is a case of optimizing for the common case; it's one less confusing
question for users who neither know nor care that there are different
keyboard layouts in the world.

 - mdz

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