snappy source files

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed May 4 09:59:22 UTC 2016

Am Dienstag, den 03.05.2016, 17:34 -0700 schrieb Swami:
> Thanks. I synced the uboot code from upstream source tree[1] and
> applied the config changes[2] into include/configs/rpi.h, as I am
> trying to use Raspberry Pi2 as reference board. Now, I wanted to see
> if my custom generated uboot.bin works on the board. So, I downloaded
> the rpi2 snap source from [3], replaced the u-boot.bin
> into /snappy-systems/pi2.moved/boot-assets/ and renamed it uboot.bin.
> Ran snappy build in main pi2.moved directory to generate the .snap
> file. Using this snap file and the device tar ball from [4], created
> the image file using below command.
> sudo ubuntu-device-flash core 15.04 --oem mycustom_2.1_all.snap
> --developer-mode --device-part=device-pi2-0.16.tar.xz -o pi2.img.
> Flashing this image, goes to u-boot, but doesn't boot the kernel.
> Also, don't see the environment variables being loaded due to below
> error:
> reading uboot.env 
> *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

you are missing:
#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE                        SZ_128K

in your uboot config patch ... by default the rpi only sets it to 16k
and since uboot.env is a binary blob, size (info) matters ;)


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