Internal format updates

Michael Vogt michael.vogt at
Tue Mar 8 14:31:59 UTC 2016


We are happy to announce a new rolling OS snap update and a
corresponding update of the snappy package in ubuntu 16.04 xenial.

It contains some user visible changes so you may need to adjust your

1. plug<->slot got switched

This only has implications if you use the old-security interface
(previously migration-skill), the change is very simple, just replace
"slots:" with "plugs:" in your snap.yaml.  E.g.:

name: foo
slots: [something]
interface: old-security
caps: []


name: foo
plugs: [something]
interface: old-security
caps: []

2. Default working directory

The path that an application starts in is no longer the $SNAP path
(that contains all the binary data of the snap) but instead it is the
$SNAP_DATA path. So if your wrapper script was doing something like
"./my-binary" you may want to use "${SNAP}/my-binary"

3. The icon location has changed

It is now in meta/gui/icon.png instead of meta/icon.png

4. Support for .desktop files under meta/gui/:

If you want to install desktop files as part of your application you
can do so by just dropping the files into meta/gui/. Please note that
the only allowed thing you can Exec= there is an application from your
snap. Everything else will be filtered out when the desktop file gets
installed.  E.g.:

name: snapname
  command: cmd

You desktop file should look like this:

[Desktop Entry]

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience these changes may cause. The
added clarity to the syntax and structure makes up for it we hope.

Michael (for the snappy team)

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