installing apps on snappy personal

Kyle Fazzari kyle.fazzari at
Fri Sep 11 18:20:35 UTC 2015

Hey Dale,

On 09/11/2015 02:04 PM, Dale Beaudoin wrote:
> I have been testing oli's personal_x86.img and I would like to know when
> we will be able to install apps from the app store.

That depends on what type of packages you're wanting to install. The
click store scope will fail to install clicks (at least it did last time
I tried) on a snappy-based image. I'm not sure if/when this will work.

If you're wanting to install snaps via a GUI, you should have the snappy
scope on there assuming the image was generated fairly recently. It
should be in your scopes drawer. You will need to install WebDM from the
cli before it will work, though.

I hope this helps.

Kyle Fazzari (kyrofa)
Software Engineer
Canonical Ltd.
kyle at

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