RFC: Comfy - a CLI framework to bring the Ubuntu cloud feeling to snappy Ubuntu Core

Alexander Sack asac at canonical.com
Tue Jan 13 11:32:33 UTC 2015

Good morning all,

we have been asked a few times about adding one or another tool to
ubuntu-core to help you get your job done.

To avoid making ubuntu-core overly heavy, what we thought we could put
together a cli tool framework called 'comfy' that would bring the
comfort and goodness we all learned to love from the default Ubuntu
cloud install to snappy Ubuntu Core.

We have looked into that and came up with an annotated diff of the
packages in our core vs. cloud image as a starting point for a wider
discussion on our mailing lists.

The raw diff we used as a starting point to come up with the list
below is in this paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9719652/.

Please let us know if you feel something is missing or we currently
have marked with 'Y' shouldn't be in such comfy framework. So here it

Annotations explained:

     ? - currently undecided; feedback and rational welcome!
     Y - probably good pick for comfy
     N - probably not needed for comfy spirit
     D - on first glance feels only sensible for comfy if it's a
dependency of another "Y" marked package
     !!  - maybe consider to move to ubuntu-core itself

Comfy candidate packages with hints:
    + ?: accountsservice - discuss if this is useful/needed
    + N: acpid
    + !!: apport -> prob. needs to be in ubuntu-core for crash reporting?
    + Y: at
    + Y: bash-completion
    + Y: bc
    + ?: bind9-host
    + Y: bsdmainutils
    + Y: busybox-static
    + Y: byobu
    + N: command-not-found - highly apt specific (asac believes); double check
    + Y: console-setup
    + Y: cryptsetup
    + Y: cryptsetup-bin
    + Y: curl
    + Y: debconf-i18n
    + Y: dmidecode
    + Y: dnsutils
    + Y: dosfstools
    + Y: eatmydata
    + Y: ed
    + Y: eject
    + Y: ethtool
    + Y: file
    + Y: fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console
    + ?: friendly-recovery
    + Y: ftp
    + Y: fuse
    + Y: gdisk
    + Y: geoip-database
    + Y: git
    + Y: git-man
    + ?: groff-base - anyone opinions?
    + N: grub-legacy-ec2 - lets not do legacy in snappy world
    + Y: hdparm
    + Y: info
    + Y: install-info
    + Y: iputils-tracepath
    + Y: irqbalance
    + Y: kbd
    + Y: keyboard-configuration
    + Y: krb5-locales
    + Y: landscape-client
    + Y: landscape-common
    + ?: language-selector-common
    + ?: laptop-detect
    + Y: lshw
    + Y: ltrace
    + Y: man-db
    + Y: manpages
    + Y: mlocate
    + Y: mtr-tiny
    + Y: nano
    + Y: ncurses-term
    + Y: ntfs-3g
    + !!?: ntpdate - does this work in snappy, maybe in core?
    + Y: open-vm-tools
    + Y: os-prober
    + Y: overlayroot
    + Y: parted
    + Y: patch
    + Y: pciutils
    + Y: perl
    + Y: perl-modules
    + Y: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text
    + ?: policykit-1
    + Y: pollinate
    + N: popularity-contest
    + Y: powermgmt-base
    + !!: ppp              - maybe core or other networking framework?
    + !!: pppconfig    - dito
    + !!: pppoeconf   - ditoo
    + Y: psmisc
    + N: python-apt
    + D: python-characteristic
    + ?: python-debian
    + D: python-gdbm
    + D: python-idna
    + D: python-openssl
    + D: python-pam
    + D: python-pyasn1
    + D: python-pyasn1-modules
    + D: python-pycurl
    + D: python-service-identity
    + D: python-twisted-bin
    + D: python-twisted-core
    + D: python-twisted-web
    + D: python-zope.interface
    + !!: python3-apport - maybe core if apport goes in core
    + D: python3-commandnotfound
    + D: python3-distupgrade
    + D: python3-gdbm
    + D: python3-newt
    + D: python3-problem-report
    + D: python3-requests
    + N: python3-update-manager
    + D: python3-urllib3
    + Y: rename
    + Y: rsync
    + Y: rsyslog
    + Y: run-one
    + Y: screen
    + Y: sgml-base
    + Y: shared-mime-info
    + ?: sosreport - does that work as expected on snappy?
    + Y: ssh-import-id
    + Y: strace
    + N: tasksel
    + N: tasksel-data
    + ?: tcpd - does that work on snappy as of now?
    + Y: tcpdump
    + Y: telnet
    + Y: time
    + Y: tmux
    + N: ubuntu-minimal
    + N: ubuntu-release-upgrader-core
    + N: ubuntu-standard
    + N: update-manager-core
    + N: update-notifier-common
    + ?: ureadahead - on first glance feels unlikely needed if we dont
need in the core system itself
    + Y: usbutils
    + Y: uuid-runtime
    + Y: vim
    + Y: vim-runtime
    + Y: w3m
    + Y: wget
    + ?: xauth - not clear why xauth is needed on cli comfy systems
    + ?: xdg-user-dirs - feels not relevant for snappy world with its
own set of dirs; maybe snappy-user-dirs in core? :)
    + ?: xkb-data - opinions? rational?
    + Y: xml-core
    + Y: zerofree


 - Alexander

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