LD_PRELOAD work in progress

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 25 16:38:33 UTC 2015

Am Mittwoch, den 25.02.2015, 10:51 -0500 schrieb Stéphane Graber:

> The problem on our side is "easy to maintain" as we presumably don't
> want people building systems relying on a completely outdated kernel
> that's full of security holes, so that'd essentially boil down to
> maintaining every kernel from 3.4 to 4.0 and that seems pretty
> unrealistic to me.
the problem is not "easy to maintain" on our side ... if we take over
support for a device, this will simply have to be taken into account in
the costs ... 

what i'm concerned about it that we currently tell OEMs "you can port
yourself if you use a kitkat based tree" ... 

we designed the split-model of hardware tarball vs generic rootfs with
ease of porting in mind and with all these new requirements we kind of
seem to go backwards with that ease of porting idea... 

yes, you need the apparmor patches today but "porting" here means
essentially "delete the whole apparmor tree of your kernel and copy our
tree in". 
the new requirements will not allow such an easy way of "porting" since
you will have to touch more than just replacing files in a subdir of the
tree ...

we have commitments for existing phones now and will need to support
them for multiple years, we also made promises to OEMs (or even
community porters) that will want to maintain their own ports.

i do not see how this is possible with the planned changes ... 


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