A Snappy Gumstix Overo

Alexander Sack asac at canonical.com
Sun Apr 26 16:32:00 UTC 2015

Hi Ash,

long no talk! Great to see gumpstix overo arriving in snappy land even
better that you picked up our oem snap feature that quickly after

If you want to upload it to store let me know after you uploaded so we
can review it and hopefully approve without much hazzle.

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 1:48 AM, Ash Charles <ashcharles at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> In looking at the release info for Vivid earlier this week, I first
> read about Snappy Core---it sounded rather cool--cool enough that I
> thought it be fun to try it on a Gumstix board :). I put together an
> OEM snap (unsigned...how does one go about signing it?) and a dd'able
> image for Gumstix Overo in case anyone else wants to give it a go.
> For dd'ing (compressed 4GB image):
>  $ wget http://gumstix-snappy.s3.amazonaws.com/overo.img.xz
>  $ xz -d overo.img.xz
>  $ sudo dd if=overo.img of=<your-drive-here> bs=4k
> For just the snap (much smaller download)
>  $ wget http://gumstix-snappy.s3.amazonaws.com/overo.snap
>  $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core -o overo.img --oem=overo.snap
> --developer-mode 15.04
> Then dd it!.
> The image has a custom MLO and u-boot but uses the default kernel
> explicitly assuming the 'omap3-overo-storm-tobi.dtb' (can be changed
> in uEnv.txt as needed).  I see a long (say, 20 second pause) after the
> 'Starting Kernel...' line (I assume because the initrd takes a while
> to load) but then the boot continues properly.  A quick
>  $ ssh ubuntu at overo.local
>  # sudo snappy install xkcd-webserver
>  later and I can happily browse xkcd comics by visiting
> http://overo.local on the local network.
> If you happen to have a Gumstix Overo and give this a whirl (or even
> if you don't :) ), I'd love any feedback or suggestions---I whipped
> this together with very little knowledge of Snappy core so I'm sure
> there is lots to improve.
> --Ash
> --
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