wrapper scripts

Simon Eisenmann simon at struktur.de
Tue Aug 18 08:09:31 UTC 2015

Am 18.08.2015 um 00:41 schrieb Loïc Minier:
> With snapcraft, these vars are set for you; perhaps we should define a
> standard layout of snaps so that this could be default-ed upon in snappy
> itself. To me, it's much less of a pain now that snapcraft provides the
> wrappers though.

Snapcraft wrappers only set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the arch which was
used where snapcraft is run.

This is not sufficient to create multi arch snaps with snapcraft. The
wrappers need to detect the arch where the wrapper is run and then set
the path accordingly.

Moreover to have multi arch support there also needs to be some way to
have the same binary for multiple architectures.

I would want to avoid having to rename binaries (eg by adding the arch
suffix) and consider to create some arch based folder tree instead.

What do you think?



Simon Eisenmann

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