Unable to ssh to RPi3 after initial configuration of Ubuntu Core

George Gundry 4D george.gundry at 4dml.com
Sat Feb 4 10:39:53 UTC 2017

Yep, that worked - now I can start the REAL work ...
Thanks 🙏,
_____________________________From: George Gundry 4D <george.gundry at 4dml.com>
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 20:04
Subject: Re: Unable to ssh to RPi3 after initial configuration of Ubuntu Core
To: Snapcraft <snapcraft at lists.snapcraft.io>

That certainly sounds plausible Gregory !I'll give it a try over the weekend - thanks again for your help 😀Regards,George		_____________________________
From: Gregory Lutostanski <gregory.lutostanski at canonical.com>
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 18:09
Subject: Re: Unable to ssh to RPi3 after initial configuration of Ubuntu Core
To: Snapcraft <snapcraft at lists.snapcraft.io>

Looks like somehow your editor broke up the lines with spaces (at 80 characters), so when you copied it into the textfield on https://launchpad.net/~<your-username>/+editsshkeys it was broken at 80 characters.

I would suggest removing the offending key and adding it again. To make sure it doesn't happen again, (on windows) I would open it with notepad and turn off word wrap and copy and paste to there again.

If you have any issues, let me know what your launchpad id is. That way I can pull your public key and see if anything else makes sense.

Hopefully that will sort you out!

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 10:37 AM, George Gundry <george.gundry at 4dml.com> wrote:

Hi Gregory, Luca & Mattias for your generous help.


I was able to look at user-data/*/.ssh/authorized_keys (I mounted the SD card in Windows using ExtFS from Paragon Software)


The key does not look right – a space has been inserted after every 80 characters ??? – see partial screenshot below. These space characters are not present when I open the source id_rsa.pub in Sublime …



Unfortunately, I can only mount the drive as read-only, so can’t make the changes, save and try again L


Clearly, you guys HAVE been able to work, and I have double checked username and all other details – it’s driving me mad !






From: snapcraft-bounces at lists.snapcraft.io [mailto:snapcraft-bounces at lists.snapcraft.io] On Behalf Of Gregory Lutostanski
Sent: 03 February 2017 15:40
To: Snapcraft <snapcraft at lists.snapcraft.io>
Subject: Re: Unable to ssh to RPi3 after initial configuration of Ubuntu Core


And since it is a rpi... you can just pop out the sdcard, and put in a different computer and see which ssh-key is in the second-partition at user-data/*/.ssh/authorized_keys if you are really curious (although since you are on windows, reading that partition which is ext4 might be more difficult).



On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 9:25 AM, Luca Dionisi <luca.dionisi at gmail.com> wrote:

Just a couple of hints.

1. Double check username.
It might be different than that of the email you use to signon at Ubuntu.
E.g. my mail is luca.dionisi at gmail.com while user on my RPi is luca-dionisi.

2. Try flag "-v" with ssh. Check the id_rsa* files that it tries with.

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 4:08 PM, George Gundry <george.gundry at 4dml.com> wrote:
> I followed the instructions here:
> https://developer.ubuntu.com/core/get-started/raspberry-pi-2-3
> I have created a Ubuntu SSO account
> uploaded my SSH public key,
> used Win32DiskImager to burn the Ubuntu Core Pi3 image
> ubuntu-core-16-pi3.img to an SD card,
> booted the Pi3 connected to Ethernet,
> correctly get the “Press Enter to Configure” message,
> pass Network Config,
> entered my SSO account,
> got the ”Contacting Store” message,
> got the success reply back from the store saying the key had been stored on
> the Pi and I can use ssh <username>@<ip address>
> Try to connect to pi over ssh as instructed, private key auth fails …
> Things I have tried:
> Different terminal emulators – putty; Remote Terminal; TokenShell/MD;
> command line ssh from another Pi; forcing use of specific private key with
> -I option
> Different SSH key pairs – known good pair that we use elsewhere; new keygen
> generated keys with passphrase; new keygen generated keys without passphrase
> Different Pi’s – Work and home
> Different Ubuntu SSO accounts – created a new account from scratch, same
> result.
> In desperation, I tried to load 16.04 LTS, and this was successful so I am
> confident the kit (Pi, SD card, network connection) is good.
> Nothing I have tried makes any difference, the private key is never accepted
> by the Ubuntu Core device.
> I am keen to investigate migrating our IoT product from Raspbian Lite to
> Core, but can’t seem to get beyond step one !

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