confinement devmode

John Lenton john.lenton at
Wed Jun 22 10:36:20 UTC 2016

for the record, the initial work to get --devmode to the store is on
master already so should be going out in today's release. There's
still a lot of work to do, but that bit is done.

On 22 June 2016 at 11:11, Didier Roche <didrocks at> wrote:
> Le 22/06/2016 11:40, Alekseenko Vasilii a écrit :
>> May I upload snap with "confinement: devmode" into Ubuntu Store?
> Hey!
> Yeah, it's possible to upload it to the Ubuntu Store. However, it won't
> appear in the stable channel.
> Also, be aware of the current limitations that's going to be lifted
> pretty soon. I'm going to quote Natalia on this (as per
> "[…] it uses "confinement: devmode", and there is still some work being
> done in the snap client to support installing devmode snaps directly
> from the store. So until that is completed, you will need to either
> sideload your snap, or submit a new revision with "confinement: strict"
> so "snap find" finds it. The devmode support in the snap client is
> almost ready, we expect it to be available for users by the end of next
> week."
> Cheers,
> Didier
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