Relocating snapcraft output directories

Didier Roche didrocks at
Fri Jun 3 14:56:19 UTC 2016

Le 03/06/2016 16:21, Loïc Minier a écrit :
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 3:21 PM, MikeB <mabnhdev at
> <mailto:mabnhdev at>> wrote:
>     Also, for a similar reason, I feel that locating custom plugins in
>     parts/plugins is unfortunate.  Other than parts/plugins, the parts
>     directory only contains generated files.  It would be nice if the
>     plugins directory could be located in a source area rather than a
>     build output area.
> I have to second this; I often rm-rf-ed parts/ after forgetting I had
> a plugin there  :-)

Can I triple this? (not related to any beer brand)!

It often see some developers rm -rf parts/ and then thought "oh, I
forgot that I had a plugin" (no, I won't drop names ;)). So yeah, having
a separate directory (maybe not "plugin" because all of project may have
a plugin/ directory right away would be nice!

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