ubuntu-device-flash errors for building armhf image

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 3 10:21:03 UTC 2016

Am Freitag, den 03.06.2016, 18:12 +0800 schrieb Woodrow Shen:
> Hi Ogra,
> Thanks your help a lot !!
> The uboot.env is a file I miss, and now I can build an image
> successfully. ^0^/
> I also wonder why don't we provide some gold examples / guides to
> instruct how to build the gadget snap for the specific arch, 

i'm actually working on this, but until the new image creation tool is
ready (we will drop ubuntu-device-flash) the gadget and kernel
specifications can still change. 
once everything is finalized we will get a proper step by step porting
guide ...


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