Dell Gateway

Oriol Rius oriol.rius at
Sat Aug 27 07:01:15 UTC 2016

Hi, I'm working with Ubuntu Snappy on a Dell Gateway and I want to 
remove next services from the systemd:

cloud-config.service                       enabled
cloud-final.service                        enabled
cloud-init-local.service                   enabled
cloud-init.service                         enabled

Using "systemctl disable <servide_name>" I disable the services and they 
are correctly deactivated and soft link is removed from their 
/etc/systemd directory.

But when I reboot the box everything is restored, I don't know where 
Snappy changes that. Of course, I remounted the root partition as a 'rw' 
and later I returned to 'ro' but there is a process o something that 
restores the original services.

Thank you for your ideas.

Oriol Rius
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