rosetta import bug or ...?

Jan Claeys lists at
Wed Sep 20 10:44:24 BST 2006

Op wo, 20-09-2006 te 01:14 +0200, schreef Jordi Mallach:
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 07:46:27PM +0200, Jan Claeys wrote:
> > <>
> Apparently, it went back to the buggy string for some reason, most
> probably because the buggy version was a Rosetta modification?

> and
> Translated by: Reinout van Schouwen on 2005-08-04 02:09:56 CEST

> Rosetta does have a suggestion by Reinout from November 2005, so it must
> have been the "modified" bit that made this other translation stick.
> When was this fixed in Rosetta for dapper?

I think it has always been "Locaties" in dapper, just like in upstream
GNOME 2.14? (And Reinout is probably the _upstream_ translator...)

> > Also, I don't even know how to fix this, as I can't easily find the
> > correct translation file, which is another long-time deficiency of
> > Rosetta.
> The best way, while the search interface isn't ready, is to download the
> file, fix and upload.

You forget that it's not always easy to find the correct *file* to begin
with; that's one reason why people want to search.  Yes, I can do it
with 'strings' + 'grep', but all this sort of things requires constant
"switching" between rosetta/launchpad and other programs (mostly in a

> As for Lokaties, if you change it back to Locaties, Rosetta *should*
> reset the modified bit, and hopefully it shouldn't appear again in
> edgy+1.

This behaviour is broken by design.

What if we fix something (or change it for another reason) and upstream
fixes it differently?  There is no way for us to know that until we
maybe get a bug report.  And then we have to check the upstream version

Jan Claeys

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