rosetta import bug or ...?

Jordi Mallach jordi at
Wed Sep 20 00:14:26 BST 2006

Hey Jan,

On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 07:46:27PM +0200, Jan Claeys wrote:
> Is the following a bug in the way Launchpad imported (or didn't import?)
> new translations from GNOME, or did "someone" edit this back to the
> wrong spelling that was in an old GNOME version?
> <>

Apparently, it went back to the buggy string for some reason, most
probably because the buggy version was a Rosetta modification?

Translated by: Reinout van Schouwen on 2005-08-04 02:09:56 CEST

Rosetta does have a suggestion by Reinout from November 2005, so it must
have been the "modified" bit that made this other translation stick.
When was this fixed in Rosetta for dapper?

> AFAIK there is still no way for us to check who did fuck up a
> translation.  But it's *we* (responsible people for the Dutch
> translation team) who have to apologise again and again and again to the
> GNOME Dutch translation team (or equivalent for non-GNOME programs) for
> everything that goes wrong.

I'm sorry for this.

> Also, I don't even know how to fix this, as I can't easily find the
> correct translation file, which is another long-time deficiency of
> Rosetta.

The best way, while the search interface isn't ready, is to download the
file, fix and upload. I was able to find the exact url by calculating at
what part of the file this translation is, and needed two hops to find
it in start=360. I'm not saying this is acceptable, just documenting how
I was able to find it.

As for Lokaties, if you change it back to Locaties, Rosetta *should*
reset the modified bit, and hopefully it shouldn't appear again in

The only reason I see this happened is if the string was fixed for
dapper after the strings were copied over to edgy some weeks ago.

Carlos might have other ideas. We may have hit a bug too, of course.

I'm sorry about these problems, the team is aware it's the #1 issue with
Rosetta right now and several solutions are on the way.

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
jordi at     jordi at
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