Looking forward for comments on feature request.

Danilo Šegan danilo at canonical.com
Sat Sep 9 14:30:40 BST 2006

Yesterday at 20:56, Alexey Balmashnov wrote:

> I've submitted request:
> https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/59330
> May be you wish to add a couple of cents with respect to this issue.

As I said in the bug report, I think you're looking at the problem of
upstream software marking too much things as translatable where they

If you think a string needs no translation, then it should not appear
in the translation template.  I'm considering marking this bug as
"Rejected", but will delay decision until I consult Carlos.

I can imagine this being useful per-language (i.e. different languages
have different "keep original" messages), but it's too much work
for little gain, imho.


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