Improving Rosetta's relation with upstream translation teams

Danilo Šegan danilo at
Sun Oct 8 16:18:40 BST 2006

Today at 14:48, TG wrote:

> Barring beginners or inexperienced translators from being members of
> the translation team is hardly a solution. Especially for languages
> that yet to have a well developed computer language which is probably
> more than 90% of all languages. Volunteers have to be encouraged and
> trained. The present system makes it difficult for translators to
> fallow up and discourages new comers.

The thing is simple: them being members of the team is only nominal,
i.e. in name.  The current privilege system in Rosetta is such that
this gives them too much power.

We are asking you, the translation team leaders and administrators, to
limit membership to only a couple of highly trusted translators, and
ask everybody else in your translation team to submit suggestions
instead (they won't be members of a team "on paper", but nothing will
stop them from submitting suggestions).  

This is a flaw in Rosetta, no doubt about that, but translation teams
which admit anyone are hurting our relations with many upstream
translators who have actually done most of the work in some
languages.  It goes without saying that we are planning on fixing
this, but we have some higher priority stuff right now.

Also note that the explanation given in the Jordi's email is mostly
directed at upstream translators and administrators.


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