Working of the import queue

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at
Fri Nov 3 14:04:10 GMT 2006

El sáb, 23-09-2006 a las 01:59 +0200, Erdal Ronahi escribió:
> > Not always. If the upload comes with a reasonable name (fr.po, for
> > example), Rosetta should be able to accept it on the fly. If you upload
> > your French translation using "messages.po", well, Rosetta has a harder
> > time making safe guesses.
> Now that's good to know, I had no idea. But what is this good for? Why
> does Rosetta have to check names? Doesn't it do a "msgmerge" which
> will simply have no effect if there are no matches?

Well, we don't care about the name if you link your .po file with a
concrete language, but when we get a tarball, we don't have a way to
know the language that should be used with that file, so 'msgmerge' like
algorithm is not enough there.


> Erdal

Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu =>
mailto:carlos.perello at
Alicante - Spain
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