Who added all the applications (could be found in the world) in our bn language.

mak_l10n makl10n at yahoo.com
Sat May 13 20:30:11 BST 2006

Somewhere in last week lots of applications were added into our language (https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+lang/bn), we are the Bengali Translations Team (https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-bn) doing translations of KDE and GNOME based applications translation as AnkurGroup (www.ankurbangla.org). Some of the packages were added in Rosetta by the Rosetta-Administrators (IMO) and we added few after forming our ubuntu-l10n-bn team in launchpad. We were translating the existing applications in launchpad which were not fully translated and or updated in launchpad, and had an intention to add new applications after discussing amongst us (the team) or after finishing the existing untranslated applications, as per priority. 
  But, adding bulk amount of application suddenly without any notice is unwanted and can make confusion within the members of our team, which may cause disharmony of doing things. Please remove the applications or rollback the change, whatever can be done ASAP.

owner - Bengali Translators Team

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