Trying not to panic here...

Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at
Tue May 2 19:06:46 BST 2006

El sáb, 29-04-2006 a las 19:18 +0100, Tim Morley escribió:
> Hi.

Hi Tim, sorry for the delay answering you.

> Please put my mind at rest and reassure me that all the work the  
> Ubuntu Esperanto Team has done in the last month still exists  
> somewhere... because it appears to have gone from Rosetta at the  
> minute.  :o((
> We'd finished ooo-base, ooo-basic, ooo-common, ooo-other, ooo-padmin  
> and ooo-writer, but they're all now showing 0 strings translated for  
> Esperanto.

From what I saw, you translated in breezy [1], but not ever in dapper
[2], so that's why you see 0 strings translated for Esperanto, breezy
has most of your translations.

I see that Breezy is missing some translations for ooo-writer and
ooo-base. This is because we had a database script for removing
translations coming from Ubuntu source packages [3], and it accidentally
caught your translations too, because they were marked as "import from
upstream" at some point and we didn't detect that those translations
were new translations.

We are restoring these missing translations from backup. "They will be
back in Rosetta by tomorrow morning.

Sorry for the inconvenience, we know you've been worried about losing
your work, and we understand that.


> Help!!
> Tim


Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu =>
mailto:carlos.perello at
Valencia - Spain
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