Translation groups

Javi - HSpain root at
Fri Mar 17 02:22:02 GMT 2006

I want to know like you how to create a Translation Group for Purepecha 
(a Mexican Language).

Tim Morley wrote:

> Hi there.
> Another question. Feel free to answer with just a URL if the answer  
> is obvious somewhere, but I haven't found the it yet.
> What exactly is a Translation Group in Rosetta? What can a group  
> member do that A. N. Other can't? I notice for instance that there's  
> no Esperanto group listed at 
> ubuntu-translators/ yet, but that hasn't stopped me from downloading  
> blank .pot files, uploading Esperanto translations, editing them  
> within Rosetta, etc., so I'm a bit confused as to why I might want to  
> set up an "official" translation group.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Tim

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