Regular language pack updates

Mark Shuttleworth mark at
Fri Jun 9 19:22:36 BST 2006

Martin Pitt wrote:
> The integration with our translation platform "Rosetta" has finally
> become mature enough for us to generate language packs automatically.
I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see this in action :-)

Well done, both of you!

> For those of you who can not wait to enjoy newly added translations on
> their desktop, we provide daily language pack updates. Just add one of
> the following apt sources (depending on the Ubuntu release you use) to
> /etc/apt/sources.list to get them:
>   deb ./
>   deb ./
>   deb ./

This is extremely cool! It basically means that translation teams can
effectively monitor their progress on a day by day basis, beta-testing
the translations, catching issues and glitches before they get pushed
out to the broader user base. That's going to make a big difference to

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