file upload form enabled again
Matic Žgur
mr.zgur at
Fri Dec 15 11:12:49 GMT 2006
Dne 15.12.2006 (pet) ob 11:39 +0100 je Carlos Perelló Marín zapisal(a):
> Hi,
> After more time than expected I'm happy to announce that the upload form
> to allow offline translations is available again.
> To enable it again, we added a locking feature in launchpad so you will
> be notified when someone changed a translation while you were editing
> it, either in the translation form or when editing a .po file got from
> Rosetta.
> We think this should end with the translation reversion problem we have
> been having. If you find a situation when this is still happening...
> please, notify it to us.
> Thank you for your patience with this issue.
> Cheers.
I apologise, I mistakenly filled in the topic with rosseta-users e-mail,
so I am sending this mail again. This time with rosseta-users e-mail in
the right place.
now that upload to Rosetta is enabled again, I was wondering if there
would be any translation upload for Ubuntu any time soon. Slovenian
translation is quite a mess right now (due to this bug, I suppose) so I
would like to upload the right translations to Rosetta and I would very
much like to see them in Ubuntu soon after. Is it possible?
Best regards,
Matic Žgur
PS: rosetta-users at users please CC me as I am not
subscribed to the list.
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