Rosetta/bzr (was: What is an Upstream?)
Carlos Perelló Marín
carlos.perello at
Mon Dec 11 11:48:23 GMT 2006
El jue, 09-11-2006 a las 08:58 -0600, kiko at escribió:
> > who contributed which translations, but I'd like^W^W I need to be
> > able to do a "view by contributor" and potentially "throw everything
> > by this contributor away".
> That's a separate feature, and good that you bring it up. Carlos, is
> there a bug filed for this, or a spec recording it?
It is now:
> > >Should the whiteboard be editable by anyone? There are pros and cons
> > >to that approach, and I'm not sure what the right solution is.
> >
> > Depends to a large extent on the team structure. If we have a certain
> > amount of granularity in team membership (owner, trusted member,
> > normal member, new/moderated member, etc.) then I'd give full access
> > to maybe the first two, and add-only access to the others. If we've
> > only got "team members" and "non team members", then... I dunno.
> >
> > Like CVS though, all changes would hopefully be trackable.
> Having a list of comments might be simpler, then. The whiteboard is cool
> if it can be simple -- no history and no restrictions. If you need
> history and restrictions but the data is mostly append-only, then a set
> of comments should work.
> --
> Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3361 2331
Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu =>
mailto:carlos.perello at
Alicante - Spain
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