What happens to translations through Launchpad? (Arabic Gnome related)

Wouter Bolsterlee uws at xs4all.nl
Fri Dec 1 20:23:04 GMT 2006

2006-12-01 klockan 17:45 skrev Djihed Afifi:
> What happens to the translations made through launchpad? do they get
> merged back to Gnome? is ubuntu the only distribution that will benefit
> from them? will our work make it to ubuntu packages?

https://launchpad.net/bugs/68014 might be worth subscribing too.

  mvrgr, Wouter

:wq                                                       mail uws at xs4all.nl
                                                      web http://uwstopia.nl

what it was that you had said to me :: like i care at all            -- tool
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