Translation setup for plone
jodok batlogg
batlogg at
Thu Sep 1 03:18:31 CDT 2005
Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> Jordi Mallach wrote:
>> Hi Felipe,
>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 11:23:09AM +0200, Felipe Gil Castiñeira wrote:
>>> Can you setup "plone" (Plone, Archetypes, ATContentTypes and
>>> ATReferenceBrowserWidget) for translation through Rosetta? ".po" and
>>> ".pot" files are in
>> Plone is nearly setup, but a bug that apparently only plone is able to
>> trigger is delaying the upload of the plone po files. The rest of the
>> translation domains are ready to go though. I hope we can resolve this
>> problem soon.
>> Jordi
> Hi all.
> I read this message with a bit of surprise as we (the i18n maintainers
> of Plone) are currently discussing if Rosetta is fitting our needs, but
> havn't come to a conclusion yet. Don't get me wrong here, I love Rosetta
> and it's definitly the way to go, but am still a bit unsure of the best
> way of utilizing it and what have to be changed in our current
> infrastructure to get it optimal ;)
> But as it is set up now, I would kindly ask for maintainer privileges
> for the project (my launchpad username is hannosch) as I'm doing lots of
> the i18n management of Plone right now.
please, can you add me too? i'm co-leading the i18n activities and would
like to test rosetta too. my launchpad username is batlogg.
and thanks for this great translation utility!
jodok batlogg
> Having read only some of the documentation this far, I think of setting
> up a translators group for the management part of the project (as we are
> some more people sharing the workload of i18n maintenance) which -
> permissions granted - I would be able to do myself, right?
> Secondly I would like to know a bit more about how the pot/po-files are
> stored within Rosetta. As far as I understand it stores the files
> somewhere on its own storage, leading to the question how conflicts are
> meant to be dealt with, if someone is updating a po file on SVN and at
> the same time someone else is updating it through Rosetta? My current
> understanding is that the best way would be to disallow direct svn
> checkins and only allow updating through Rosetta?
> Thirdly I would like to note that Plone the product consists of various
> smaller modules whose pot/po files were combined in one translation
> module (PloneTranslations) for ease of management and access by the
> translators. This wouldn't be necessary anymore with Rosetta so these
> would probably in the next Plone release be reintegrated into their own
> modules. As we are also adding some more modules these very days to be
> part of Plone core, I assume setting these up as 'packages' in Rosetta
> would be the right way to go?
> I have some more questions, but will try to read as much docs as I can
> find first.
> So long and thanks for all of Rosetta ;)
> Hanno
> P.S. What is this bug you are talking about? Something wrong on our side?
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