Problems to be resolved before breezy (?)

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at
Mon Oct 3 07:32:58 CDT 2005

On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Carlos wrote:

> Please, don't translate any template set as deprecated. Said that....

Yes, I've just used them as a working ground and then downloaded the 
PO file, as...

> gaim template is already 1.5.0

...this was not true before. I just wanted to have a PO file myself
with reviewed translations and all the 1.5.0 strings. Now that template
is 1.5.0 too (but misses the improvements that were done also in the
non-deprecated 1.4.0 template), I'm trying to get the reviewed and UTF-8-
converted version in. But yes, let's wait and see if the latest upload
gets in later today, all would be resolved then.

>> 4. Where's eg. Add/Remove Programs, Disks-tool, Language Selector etc. from
>> Rosetta? I guess these will be left mostly untranslated for Breezy because
>> there's quite little time to do these translations even if they'd appear.
>> I don't know the upstream place for these either.
> They are in URLs like:

I found Add/Remove Programs via the application's own Translate menu item,
so if there's still going to be one language pack update it'll get in.
Thanks for pointing out language selector.

I thought I saw somewhere that there'll be one last language pack update
before the release.

> The main problem is that we are missing the published information for
> breezy, as soon as it's added to launchpad, you can get them from
> in the mean time,
> you can do that adding by hand the name of the .deb package to the URL.

Yes, thanks.

>> of needed translations? There was one for Hoary, and it was quite
>> useful ( thought not
>> complete.
> The menu entries should be together with the .deb source where the
> application is. Unfortunately, Mozilla translations are not yet handled
> with Rosetta, but the others should.

This was resolved meanwhile by having - which is similar to the
Hoary-related bugzilla item I mentioned. So quite a few missing menu
entries are now (going to be) translated thanks to Sebastien's wiki page.

So, all in all, all the items I e-mailed about earlier are going to
be resolved, with a bit of uncertainty concerning Rosetta uploads
and the control-center stuff.


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