Carlos Perelló Marín carlos.perello at
Tue Nov 29 01:48:08 CST 2005

On Fri, 2005-11-11 at 16:56 -0800, Valient Gough wrote:
> Hello,


> I've been packaging up a new release of encfs, and as part of that
> I've been syncing the translation entries with Rosetta.  I'd like to
> point out a couple of rough spots:

Ok, let's look into those problems...

> - rosetta is producing .po files which gettext cannot compile.  A
> dozen or more language files did not have "PO-Revision-Date" set in
> the .po header, and many also didn't have "Last-Translator" set.  This
> causes gettext to immediately halt the build and produce an error.  I
> had to edit each of these files to put in a revision date (I copied
> the POT creation date line), and I had to cut and paste the name of
> the editor from Rosetta online into the .po files. 

Hmmm, that's a bug yes, and It should not happen...

Please, to follow the status of this issue, subscribe to:

> - uploading to Rosetta kills the last-contributor entry by setting it
> to me (even though I specified the contributor in the .po file, and
> when I uploaded it I said that this was not a contributor entry).  

This happens when we are not able to parse that information from the .po
file, could you give me some examples of the content of the .po header
when it happened?

>  After lots of editing to fix formatting issues, I now have an updated
> set of po files.  Does rosetta allow a bulk upload of po files from a
> distribution release?  I didn't see a way, so I started uploading them
> one at a time.  I expected that it would use the Last-Translator field
> as the name of the last translator online, but it didn't -- it now
> displays my name as the last translator, even though I am just the
> maintainer, not a translator. 

Yes, you, as maintainer can use the .pot upload form to upload .tar.gz
files with a set of .po files and a .pot file.


> thanks,
> Valient
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Carlos Perelló Marín
Ubuntu =>
mailto:carlos.perello at
Valencia - Spain
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