PO of gepolabo

Gepolabo - Info info.gepolabo at free.fr
Wed May 25 08:08:52 CDT 2005


I send my project on rosetta, and I read that you want my .po and .pot
file. So, I send them to you.

Best regards,

Vincent DEROO

   application pour l'analyse                  application for technical
technique des marchés financiers               analysis of stock markets
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Name: gepolabo.pot
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Url : http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/rosetta-users/attachments/20050525/59201e9f/gepolabo-0002.bin
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Name: gepolabo.po
Type: text/x-gettext-translation
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Url : http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/rosetta-users/attachments/20050525/59201e9f/gepolabo-0003.bin

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