Translations for SchoolTool and SchoolBell

Brian Sutherland jinty at
Tue May 17 09:42:28 CDT 2005

On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 01:09:24PM +0200, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 11:28 +0200, Brian Sutherland wrote:
> > I have found some second hand info on the net that rosetta is able to
> > harvest translation templates from ubuntu packages as they are being
> > built. This seems very interesting, how would I set this up for
> > SchoolTool?
> It will not work for upstream projects, only for packages inside Ubuntu.

Both SchoolTool and SchoolBell are packages in the ubuntu universe for a
while now. (source packages schooltool and schoolbell)

Or do you mean only debconf translations?

> We plan to prepare a solution for upstream translations, but it's not a
> planned feature for next month and a half.
> > 
> > The other option seems to be to update the translations manually every
> > now and then.
> Yes, that's the solution we have now for upstream translations.
> For the initial import of SchoolTool's .pot and .po files I need you
> send us the URL where we can get them so we import it inside the release
> I think you created at:

That is just the problem, there is no canonical url as the .pot's are
automatically generated and not stored in the repository at all
(Following the never store auto-generated files in repositories mantra).

> For SchoolBell, Tom Hoffman imported it already some months ago, so you
> should just update the .pot file.

Indeed we have already with a much more recent translation and probably
will include the schoolbell translations in the next release.

> btw, will you be the "official" contact with the SchoolTool project?
> (the direct question is... will you be the one uploading .pot files?)

In so far as I have picked up the task, it seems a good fit with my
"odd-job man of the project (Release manager/Package Maintainer)" role.

Brian Sutherland

It's 10 minutes, 5 if you walk fast.

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