Sending translation back

Christian Rose menthos at
Wed Jun 15 16:05:33 CDT 2005

ons 2005-06-15 klockan 14:08 +0100 skrev Mark Shuttleworth:
> Christian Rose wrote:
> > Otherwise, you (and all other
> >Slovenian users) might end up in the unfortunate situation that your
> >translations would only be used by Ubuntu, whereas if the translation
> >  
> >
> With the latest updates to Rosetta, we have effective sharing of
> translations between upstream and distros in place. There is lots to be
> done to improve it, but the beginnings are there.
> The collaboration works as follows:
> Both upstream and the distros can use Rosetta to manage their
> translations separately. If you are translating for a distro, you will
> automatically see upstream translations where those are different from
> yours, and can copy and paste them directly into your translation. This
> should work today.

It would have been even better news if more had been done in order to
improve interaction with upstreams that do *not* use Rosetta. The answer
to most problems seem to be "it will automatically be solved when
everyone uses Rosetta", and that worries me.

I'm personally getting more and more convinced that Rosetta is not the
way forward for general GNOME translation management (if some language
teams want to use it, fine, but it's not going to be recommended in any
way). If something acts like being the center of the known universe, and
treats everything else as small side projects that have not understood
the One True Way Forward, then it's time to get a little suspicious, at
least in my book.


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