free as in beer (was Re: Clean Sheet?)
Dafydd Harries
daf at
Tue Feb 1 05:38:11 CST 2005
Ar 01/02/2005 am 11:00, ysgrifennodd Carlos Perelló Marín:
> On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 00:34 -0800, Jonathon Blake wrote:
> > Dionisio wrote:
> >
> Hi
> > >wonder what is / will be its license
> >
> > Better questions to ask are:
> > a) Who owns the translations that are done at Rosetta?
> >
> > b) What licence /copyright are the _translations_ done at Rosetta
> > distributed under? [GNU FDL, MIT, Creative Common, something else?]
> From rom the legal page of launchpad (unfortunately, it's not published yet,
> hope it's done soon):
> Rosetta Copyright
> All translations imported from external sources are owned by the
> translator that made them. In general, these translations are licensed
> under the same terms as the software for which they are a translation.
> All translations submitted into Rosetta are the work of the translator
> that created them, and are submitted under the same license as the
> software being translated. In addition, the translator grants to
> Canonical Ltd the right to publish the translation and use the
> translation in other software packages under their license.
Perhaps I should explain our goals here:
- We want translators to retain rights over their work.
- We want that the projects that people submit translations to will be
able to use those translations legally. This is why we say that you
provide your translations under the licence of the original project.
- We also want translators to be able to reuse the work of other
translators. If you are translating project A and somebody has made a
translation for a similar message that's in project B, it would be
useful if you could reuse the translation from project B. This is why
we say that you give us the right to provide your translations under
other free licences.
In short: when you provide a translation to Rosetta, it can be used in
any software that has a free licence. What we consider free licences are
dictated by our licence policy, which is based upon the Debian Free
Software Guidelines.
See also:
The Ubuntu Philosophy of Software Freedom:
The Ubuntu Licence Policy:
We'll try and get the Rosetta legal bits documented on the website soon.
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