Moving OOo translation project over to Rosetta/Launchpad

Claude Paroz paroz at
Thu Dec 15 19:52:30 GMT 2005

Le jeudi 15 décembre 2005 à 00:13 +0100, Jordi Mallach a écrit :
> Hey Tim!
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 02:12:24AM +0000, Tim Morley wrote:
> > Feature Request 2, a would-be-nice-to-have: it'd be good to know *who*
> > translated *what*, not just who worked on a particular file last. I realise I'm
> > probably asking rather a lot on this one, but it's very useful information,
> > particularly in a small team, with some dedicated, experienced and meticulous
> > translators (i.e. whose work is a joy to proof-read because there's so little
> > to change), and some members who are, shall we say, lacking in one or more of
> > the above areas.
> Rosetta stores which launchpad user submitted which translation, for all
> projects. We currently just show a list of the people who have
> contributed to a certain translation, and who was the last contributor.
> We don't show what you're looking for, but the information is in the
> database. If there's a big demand, we might be able to use it somehow.
> That shouldn't be a too difficult feature.

I have a real use case for that feature.
I've just finished translating a product, and I must write now
translator credits. I suspect some translators have just translated one
or two strings (from 1000), and probably these strings have been
overwritten by others. So I'm reluctant to put them in translator
credits, but I have no mean to check this... unless I know which
translator translated which strings.



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