
Antonio Olmo Titos aolmo at emergya.info
Thu Dec 15 11:16:38 GMT 2005

El mar, 13-12-2005 a las 23:04 +0100, Jordi Mallach escribió:
> Hola Antonio!
> When you say you have author's permission, do you mean he's going to
> manage all the translations with Rosetta?

    I don't think so, but I am not sure. For the moment we are only
interested in finishing the Spanish translation, so I haven't toggled
the “Uses Rosetta Officially” checkbox on. In his own words: “do
whatever you like with SoundTracker, as long as it doesn't violate
the GPL :-) In other words, go ahead!”.

> If I install this template in
> Rosetta, nothing is going to stop others from translating SoundTracker
> to other languages, not just Spanish, so he needs to know that if he or
> someone else is not going to be in charge of merging them from rosetta,
> they might be lost work. Someone needs to be in charge of updating the
> template periodically, when necessary.

    OK, I will tell him so.

> Sorry if I missunderstood, and you're going to do this on his behalf.
> Jordi

    Thank you, Jordi :¬)

Antonio Olmo Titos
Emergya, Soluciones Tecnológicas
Tel. +34 954 98 10 53 FAX +34 954 98 11 79
Avda. Luis Montoto, 105
E41007 Sevilla
aolmo at emergya.info

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