Upload pot-File

Egon Frerich e.frerich at nord-com.net
Thu Dec 15 09:15:41 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Hello Jordi,

some history: first I wrote to the list but at that time I wasn't a
member of the list. So I had to wait for the moderator.

But I was in hurry. So I wrote directly to Mark Shuttlework who
redirected my mail to you.

You answered my mail at 8 Dec 2005 17:48:16 +0100 (CET). But I had to
contact you again (08 Dec 2005 18:23:14 +0100) because I got the message
"Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page." At 19:10 you had
created a new serie and installed my template.

In the meantime translators have done some work. I downloaded the
translated files on 2005-12-12. So we are fine.

Jordi Mallach schrieb am 15.12.2005 00:35:

> On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 12:15:24AM +0100, Egon Frerich wrote:
>>I created a new product serie. How can I upload the pot-file from my pc?
> Carlos, apparently people need to ask for admin help when they create
> new series, to setup a new template. Maybe we could let administrators
> do it themselves once they have a working pot installed in a previous
> series.

That would be great !!

> Egon, for now I'll have to help you. Can you give me your file and the
> name of the series and product you want it installed for?

You have done this for

Zope 3.0

serie 3.2

Thank you!

> Jordi

- --
Egon Frerich, Freudenbergstr. 16, 28213 Bremen

E-Mail: e.frerich at nord-com.net
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