Proposal: Improve peer review and team work in Rosetta

Matthias Urlichs smurf at
Mon Aug 8 08:08:19 CDT 2005


Matthew Paul Thomas:
> *   Open: anyone can make a translation.
> *   Restricted (currently called "Closed"): anyone can suggest a
>     translation, but only editors can accept suggestions or make final
>     translations of their own.
> Another policy is planned, Closed, where only editors can make a 
> translation.

How granular is that policy set up -- can it be set per language? Per
translated package? Per distribution? ("Generic Elvish is OK, but we
need to review our ElvishSchoolUbuntu distribution to make sure that
nobody refers to the Unseelie Court positively" -- OK, so you can tell
I'm at WorldCon right now ;-)

Matthias Urlichs   |   {M:U} IT Design @   |  smurf at
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. |
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Is this "BOOZE"?
		-- Zippy the Pinhead

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