Is there a timeline for PO-grabbing/exporting functionality?

matthew.east.ubuntu at matthew.east.ubuntu at
Sun Apr 24 05:31:28 CDT 2005

Thomas Mills Hinkle writes: 

>> I can pretty much say for certain that the docteam would be VERY interested
>> in such a script. We need a way to check when translations are ready and to
>> get them in our repository for uploading, since the current plan is to
>> download them manually from Rosetta and commit them. Thomas, keep us posted
>> as to your progress!! IMO posting a link to the script on the WikiWishList
>> page (as this is a functionality that should really one day be included in
>> Rosetta) would be very useful.
> Okay, the link is up on the wiki. I've just linked to the CVS
> repository for my app, since that will be updated anyway if I make any
> fixes in the future. Right now, the script is pretty much sufficient
> for my purposes. It has a number of commandline switches to let you
> tweak it's behavior -- I haven't really tested, but theoretically you
> should be able to substitute a contributor list for any string of your
> choosing (the default is translator-credits), or not bother with this
> behavior. You can also have the script simply report the status of
> translations to you with an -s switch (same as going to the rosetta
> webpage, but faster when you're already at the commandline).

You're a legend: I've downloaded it and it works real nice. I will try and 
modify it to accomodate the documentation team items, although I'm slightly 
concerned that the urls are a bit more complex, but we'll see :) 

thanks again, Matt

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