Announcing Ubuntu Language Teams

Matthew East matthew.east at
Fri Apr 1 14:57:18 CST 2005

Dear Dafydd,

Il giorno ven, 01/04/2005 alle 19.49 +0100, Dafydd Harries ha scritto:
> Hi translators!
> We are almost ready to handle Ubuntu translations through Rosetta!

Although you said in your email that further instructions would follow,
I wanted to raise some questions I had about the system, just to get
things clear in my mind! Hope this is ok.

1) What is the justification for having separate ubuntu-translators and
rosetta-users mailing lists?

2) As already pointed out by one user, there are multiples of languages
which will cause a lot of confusion. Examples are Italian, Italian
(Italy), Italy (Switzerland), French, French (France), French
(Switzerland) etc... How are we to deal with this.

3) The documentation under the hoary category is extremely difficult to
categorise. First, it does not appear to be in any sort of logical
order. More worryingly, some of the documents (such as the ubuntu
quickguide and aboutubuntu notes from the docteam) appear twice. How are
we to deal with this?

4) In several languages (french, italian, german, portugese) some work
has already been done on po files for the docteam documentation. What
can we do with this to prevent that it gets worked on twice?

5) In many languages it is unlikely that teams will be established.
Teams generally already exist for upstream documentation, but for Ubuntu
specific translations it seems to me that very few languages will be
able to form permanent teams. Will the system be able to deal with this?

thanks very much in advance!!


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